cox amusements
Thu, 28 Mar 2002 15:10:50 -0500
Hmmmm, I haven't had any bad experiences yet.
Of course, when I boot my OpenBSD, I simply did
'dhclient interface' and then fired up my pf rules
to block most everything (including dhcp trafic.
Have had the same IP, and never a blip in service.
IPSec has had me tuned into the office non-stop
since COX left my home :-)
On Thu, Mar 28, 2002 at 11:21:51AM -0700, David A. Sinck wrote:
I just thought I would pass this on to the faithful ...
I just got off the phone with cox and apparently, the conversion
process didn't happen 100% of the time on their side. I was
experiencing inter.....mi...ttent pauses of 4-8s which front line
immediately diagnosed as afu on their side.
* he had me power down the modem
* he purged my modem + "computer" records (I assume the mac addr, but
who knows)
* he readded same
* had me release/renew DHCP ... which kept me on the same IP
Dunno if it's fixed, but it's apparently common.
See if your mail doesn't post to the list quickly and you use Netscape to write mail.
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