Shell Accounts

Wed, 27 Mar 2002 16:25:22 -0700 (MST)

I have an OpenBSD system you can have an account on... interested?

On Wed, 27 Mar 2002, Julian M Catchen wrote:

> Hey Everyone,
> I have been working for some time on two Free Software projects: GCGI and
> cgiPop.  GCGI is a cgi library for C programs and cgiPop is a web-based
> POP email reader that uses GCGI.  The projects have progressed quite well
> and are nearing 1.0 releases.  Recently, I have gotten bug reports from
> people who have had difficulty building these projects on FreeBSD and
> Solaris boxen. Before going 1.0, I would like to be able to build these
> programs on all UNIX-like systems.
> Would anyone on the list be willing to give me a shell accont on a *BSD
> system that I could use to sort out the system-dependency differences and
> get my projects to compile on them? I would not be installing anything,
> just getting the projects to compile and in the process getting the
> configure scripts to work right for those platforms.
> Thanks in advance for anyone that can help.
> If you are interested in the projects, you can find them here:
> julian
> --
> mail : julian @         | ( topeka )
> www  :   |  phx, az
> sent : Wed Mar 27, 2002 03:06PM MST |
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