resizing partition
Craig White
27 Mar 2002 04:54:29 -0700
On Wed, 2002-03-27 at 02:07, Eric wrote:
> I know this has been asked, but I'm not finding the answer in the archives;
> am missing correct search terms or sore eyes.
> Using RH7.1. /home is its own partition; would like to resize it? WOuld
> like even more to make it span two disks; can I do this? I would be willing
> to lose data on it if I could add the currently unused disk space (8 gigs)
> on another internal drive. It currently uses 7 gigs on one drive only.
> Can I do this?
Q & D method - not recommended...
example you have these partitions (among others)
- drive 1 /home
- drive 2 /extra_drive
you would then
- cd /extra_drive
- mkdir new_folder
- cd /home
- ln -s /extra_drive/new_folder new_folder
this means that if you cd to /home/new_folder, you would have then moved
onto the other drive and of course, you can move files there. For
example, you could move half the users onto the second drive by changing
their home directory in /etc/passwd by adding /home/new_folder/USERNAME
to their profile and them mv /home/USERNAME /home/new_folder/ for those
particular users.
The reasons that I wouldn't suggest this is that I would forget that I
have done this sometime in the future. Quota's wouldn't work, copying
partitions wouldn't get you all the users files (but a backup of say
/home would work).
The second method is much like the first but you would partition the
second drive, name the partition with the mount point that you would
want i.e. /home/new_folder which isn't a symbolic link. Quota's would
work, getting a list of partitions would make it obvious what's on that
partition so it would be easy to get user storage requirements, etc.