Tips? Deleted domain, Arrghhh!
Mon, 25 Mar 2002 21:32:55 -0700 (MST)
Am 25. Mar, 2002 schwätzte George Toft so:
> I can see you've never dealt with Network Nosolutions. We had
> a client who was a lawyer. It took three weeks and a threat of
> legal action before they changed his authorative nameserver
> entries. That took three weeks. Best I've seen them do anything
> is 5 days - two weeks is the norm.
One thing I found was to make one change at at time. Let it propagate, then
make the next. Multiple changes is asking for them to bork it.
Sending *and* FAXing the order is asking them to bork it. If you're working
with someone and that someone is intercepting both orders, then you have a
chance of it working out.
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