Tips? Deleted domain, Arrghhh!
Kimi A. Adams
Mon, 25 Mar 2002 17:20:28 -0700
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No, it's not true but yes, it's true. They do have to wait the time if the
domain is to be deleted. Then you could re-register it. However, since
you already own it, and if it shows up on the whois database still, then
you can simple get a stupervisor on the phone and get that person to fix it
by generating the change NIC number, then follow up with the fax.
Again, it must be on letterhead. The information that you need to change
must be in the NIC tracking number form. This is important because if it
isn't the same, it won't get done. Then call and call again. Call until
someone gets on the ball and updates it.
Kimi Adams
Unity Wave
At 3/25/02, you wrote:
>On 25 Mar 2002, Carl Parrish wrote:
> > William you *should* only have to fax the new contact info to them on
> > the companies' letterhead.
>Telephoned Verisign (nee Network Solutions) and they said once it has
>been entered into the Deleted pool, you just have to wait, they can't do
>anything! Is that really true?
>See if your mail doesn't
>post to the list quickly and you use Netscape to write mail.
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