Newly installed library not detected
Craig S.
Mon, 25 Mar 2002 00:21:05 +0000 wrote:
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> Today's Topics:
> 1. Newly installed library not detected (Don Livingston)
> 2. Re: PLUG at SCC (Bill Warner)
> 3. Re: PLUG at SCC (Jim)
> 4. Re: 3 coasters later (Digital Wokan)
> 5. Re: 3 coasters later (Bill Warner)
> 6. Re: IDE Raid install (Tony Wasson)
> --__--__--
> Message: 1
> Subject: Newly installed library not detected
> From: Don Livingston <>
> To:
> Date: 24 Mar 2002 10:35:02 -0700
> Reply-To:
> Hi, folks,
> In preparation for installing the latest version of PAN newsreader on my
> Mandrake 8.2, I needed to update libxml. So I downloaded the Mandrake
> rpm and installed it with KPackage. Installation seemed to go correctly
> I can now see that is in /usr/lib, and the link
> points to it. But when I try ./configure for PAN, the
> configuration script doesn't think it's there. Any ideas on how to get
> the system to see it?
> Thanks for any help, Don.
> --
> Mandrake Linux 8.2rc1, KDE 2.2.2, Ximian Evolution 1.0.2
> --__--__--
Hmm. Let me see. I remember seeing this while trying to figure out why my modules won't
load at startup. Let me try to remember. I believe it was something about dependencies,
I seem to remember reading that RPM based distros have problems with package
dependencies when updating libraries. I don't remember the fix for messed up
dependencies seem to remember something about removing and reinstalling the package
after updating the libraries. Seemed like a drastic move but the more I learn about
*nix fixes the more I see people using a #20 sledge to put a brad in some drywall. I
could be way off here because I was looking for info on a different subject so I
skimmed the papers and moved on.
Craig S.