help with new OS

Sun, 24 Mar 2002 04:26:46 -0700 (MST)

Am 22. Mar, 2002 schwätzte Jack Inyart so:

> Thanks for the help.  I ran into another problem while following the info
> below.  I did get to the "new Unix password" and successfully typed it
> into the screen the same way twice.  Then the message displayed was "
> Authentication token manipulation error" Going on from there was useless.

Did you remount / as read-write? "mount -o remount,rw /"

> I was able to make no more progress.  Since I already have another machine
> that I am using to learn more about Linux, I am willing at this time to
> simply blow Linux out of the second machine.  I have so far been unable to
> get it to boot from the CD.  Perhaps if you have time you might give me a
> hint in this direction?  Thanks so much Jack

There should be a way to make a boot-floppy. It might require already having
m$ on a box.

Also verify your bios setup as someone else suggested.


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#  and a noose to your neck,
#  then follow that up with a cup of poison.
#  Not a good way to start the day. - der.hans