SSSCA renamed and introduced in Senate!
Fri, 22 Mar 2002 13:27:29 -0500

Mark may be right in that volume matters and I don't have a problem with that.

Julian has a good idea about a letter from PLUG.  Someone needs to come forward as the organizer of the effort.  (Maybe Julian knows someone that could do that ;^).  Make up a letter and signature form and I will be happy to pass it around the Devel meeting on April 1st.  Or, April 1st may be too late.  Get a letter to the West side meeting next week and we could have an "emergency" east side "meeting" next week to just stop by somewhere and sign the letter or something like that.  (Maybe Julian knows someone that could spearhead that effort ;^)

My point in all of this is that we MUST DO something or it will roll through and cause headaches for years to come.
