module deps, was Re: PLUG-discuss digest, Vol 1 #2060 - 15 msgs
Thu, 21 Mar 2002 00:08:00 -0700 (MST)
Am 19. Mar, 2002 schwätzte Craig S. so:
> > From: "der.hans" <>
> > Do a 'uname -r' to make sure your kernel thinks it's 2.4.18.
Is your kernel listing as 2.4.18?
> > What's the timestamp on modules.dep?
> -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 Mar 19 00:34 modules.dep
Hmm, size of zero is bad.
Try running 'depmod -a' by hand as root and see if that file changes.
> > Was it created after the kernel looked
> > for it?
> I assume by this you mean the timestamp on the kernel image bzImage.
Actually, I meant the modules.dep. You answer that below, though.
> rc.modules calls depmod -a before any modules are loaded by it. I think
> rc.modules runs right after rc.S in the startup process.
OK. Is the filesystem mounted r/w when 'depmod -a' is run? Is it out of
space? Do your boot logs show any errors? Check /var/log/* and the output
from 'dmesg'.
> Hmm, no I am not running any RAM disks I am not sure how to check this
> offhand but from everything I have read to this point it would be loaded
> in lilo and there is nothing about initrd in my lilo.conf file.
There won't be until you put it there :). Presumably the kernel would be
bitching about it when you boot, so this is unlikely to be the cause of your
> Curious that bit above about modules.dep having a filesize of zero.
> Oh yeah I figured out the X problem is because Frame buffering is off
> right now and I have X setup to use frame buffering.
Yeah, that could be problematic ;-).
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