Local daycare center wants to set up row of educational desktops.
Wed, 20 Mar 2002 21:36:25 +0000
Quoting Derek Neighbors <derek@gnue.org>:
> Use debian and install debian-junior (its probably more adolescent but
> pre-teens would enjoy)
> > > If anyone has done a similar project we could use your suggestions as
> well.
> Have been around the LTSP in similar situations, not educational but
> trying to get lots of clients for the buck.
> I will say being about 8 - 12 year olds regularly. An internect connection
> with a web browser, email and AIM (GAIM) makes most of them happier than a
> clam.
> -Derek
And when the kids are happily surfin' away on their new Linux boxes, be sure to
get the store out to the news media!
Dennis Kibbe
Everyone should have http://www.freedom2surf.net/