Windows Internet Connection Sharing
George Toft
Wed, 20 Mar 2002 06:54:53 -0500
My router needed a keyboard to boot, so I had to
plug in a keyboard about once every 3-5 months.
In my experience (somewhere around 40 machine
years of Linux operation - 1 machine year =
1 box Linux 7x24x365), the only time I have had
problems in a reboot was when the power cord
was pulled. The next reboot had some problems,
but I didn't detect them for over a day. I
was still able to log in, did an init 6, and
then all was fine. This was on a SuSE 7.3
box with ext2, reiserfs, and lvm, so I'm not
too surprised at the issue I had.
Linux is very consistent in its operation when
you use stable technology.
Victor Odhner wrote:
> George Toft wrote:
> > I had 8 boxes, 2 keyboards, 1 monitor.
> > That's what ssh is for.
> But ... OK, maybe I've been too corrupted
> by Windows, so I can't trust a box to
> consistently boot all the way up to
> sshd and be accessible via the LAN.
> So George, honestly, how often has one of
> your video-less boxes had some sort of
> network or boot-up problem that required you
> to hook up a keyboard and monitor to do
> some repairs?
> I remember when the architects of a Honeywell
> mainframe back in the early '80's had to tell
> the logic designers that there would be NO
> blinkenlights. They were used to having all
> the CPU registers displayed in binary, and now
> they were going to debug using the console.
> ... of course in that case, it happened that
> they had all the flops chained together as
> a big ol' shift register, and a separate
> service processor that could read or set
> anything in the system while it was halted.
> A Linux box doesn't have any of that; it just
> has to wait till the network comes up, and
> then trust that the expected IP is answering.
> With my luck (or lack of admin skills), I'd be
> struggling to switch a video cable to a
> different box a few times a week.
> Vic
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