kernel upgrade problems update
Craig S.
Mon, 18 Mar 2002 23:13:56 +0000
ok I thought of one thing I left out.
So I tried to recompile again and made sure everything that is supposed
to load as modules are there. Stuff like ppp, scsi support, etc.
Did make modules
then I did a make modules_install
did the rest
tried to boot
the kernel pukes about not being able to locate the modules but if I
goto /lib/modules/2.4.18 and look the modules.dep file is there now.
But I have to go into each of the directories and load the modules.
Also X is busted.
looks like X couldn't ID the video card.
So I renamed /etc/XF86Config to XF86Config.old and ran XF86Setup.
Everything looks good except when Setup tries to write the new config
file the damn thing pukes also. I didn't take notes on what exactly was
busted but I figure it must be linked to the module loading problem.
Craig S.