Free 19" Monitor available
Kimi A. Adams
Mon, 18 Mar 2002 09:46:40 -0700
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I really do need these items. I have several non profits that I work with
that need more than a 14" monitor to work. So, if you haven't given them
to someone, let me know.
We also have a computer donation drive that we are partnered with Mothers
Against Drunk Driving. For more info, go to MADD's
website: and click on What's Up!
Kimi Adams
Unity Wave
At 3/16/02, you wrote:
>Hello, I have a free monitor for pickup in Sun City (Phoenix), Arizona,
>west side of valley . Please email me.
>Mitsubishi 19" Color Monitor for Sun/Unix Works. Model C-6922
>No obvious burn-in or other defects! No video cable is included,
>I can tell you where to buy a cable for whichever video card (Sun, Mac, or
>PC) you plan to use this monitor with. (I have most of these here too)
>Mitsubishi C-6922 Fixed Frequency 800x600 5 BNC Connectors.
>H Freq 28-35 Khz, V Freq 40 - 70 Hz, Sync Type Composite, Separate.
>I am told this monitor is for Sun/Unix.
>With a PC Cable (#3 below), this monitor will supposedly work with a PC
>set to 800x600 mode. However, it will not synch to bootup screens.
>Please email me ASAP, I hate to just trash working equipment.
>Scott Jorgenson
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