cox and accessibility
Todd Hought
Thu, 14 Mar 2002 11:06:55 -0700 (MST)
Well, while Cox is in fact not regulated by any sort of reasonable laws on
utility companies, you might be able to get them another way.
When I first saw your post on accesibility, my first thought was of the
ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act), which many sites adhere to.
There is software out there (windows only, unfortunately) that can read
just about anything on the computer (notepad, IE, Netscape, Word, excel,
etc) and pipe it out to the sound card as speech. However, the only way
that it can do this properly for web pages, is if it follows the standards
laid out by Bobby ( The cox site fails this
MISERABLY, (so does Qwest's) which would cause someone who is blind or
low-vision to not be able to pay their bill online like the rest of us,
therefore, discriminating against them. To be fair, I ran the plug website
thru it as well, and it also failed, so maybe we have some work to do on
our own page so that we can convert some blind people away from the dark
side. :-)
While this isnt the perfect "spank Cox with a wet noodle" punishment for
them, it might be a different way to go about it. Perhaps start by calling
your local ADA office and posing the question to them.
In the meantime, does anyone know of good text-to-speech software for
linux? that runs on console, and within X?
On Thu, 14 Mar 2002, der.hans wrote:
> Am 14. Mar, 2002 schwätzte Mike Butash so:
> > There's a cox forum now on their news server that I know for a fact
> > they're actually watching pretty closely, at least for the time being
> > since it's new and they ARE curious what people think of the new network.
> > Might be worth posting there first or email feedback before calling arms
> They've consciously chosen to limit access to two browsers. Complaining to
> them won't do any good.
> > for govt led smackdowns... sheesh, chill out. Besides that, lemme see
> They *might* listen to whatever agency regulates them, they won't listen to
> me. I did find out from the corporation commission's web pages that they
> don't regulate cable companies.
> > what I can do. What browser(s) are you coming in with exactly?
> konqueror 2.2.2-14 on debian. Probably the last few minor versions of
> konqueror over the past couple of weeks as well.
> cioa,
> der.hans
> --
> #
> # If you're not learning, you're not living. - der.hans
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