cox and accessibility
Craig White
14 Mar 2002 11:02:16 -0700
On Thu, 2002-03-14 at 10:03, der.hans wrote:
> Am 14. Mar, 2002 schwätzte Mike Butash so:
> > There's a cox forum now on their news server that I know for a fact
> > they're actually watching pretty closely, at least for the time being
> > since it's new and they ARE curious what people think of the new network.
> > Might be worth posting there first or email feedback before calling arms
> They've consciously chosen to limit access to two browsers. Complaining to
> them won't do any good.
I think that you are giving them some undeserved credit...they probably
only checked it with the big 2 browsers. If you've created web sites,
you understand this at least to some extent but you probably have the
mentality that it should work for all browsers (quite understandable).
> > for govt led smackdowns... sheesh, chill out. Besides that, lemme see
> They *might* listen to whatever agency regulates them, they won't listen to
> me. I did find out from the corporation commission's web pages that they
> don't regulate cable companies.
the larger branches of govt have all laid off of the cable companies -
leaving them to negotiate their exclusive contracts with the
municipalities which of course, have little technical savvy to deal with
> > what I can do. What browser(s) are you coming in with exactly?
> konqueror 2.2.2-14 on debian. Probably the last few minor versions of
> konqueror over the past couple of weeks as well.
there is a netscape and a mozilla available for linux - you might want
to have one of them ready for desparate times...I do.