cox and accessibility

Craig White
14 Mar 2002 05:52:58 -0700

On Thu, 2002-03-14 at 00:55, der.hans wrote:
> moin, moin,
> anyone know which gov't offices to hit to complain about Cox' web site and
> their lack of accessability?
> "In order to access our site you must have one of the following browsers:
> Internet Explorer version 4.0 or greater
> Netscape Navigator/Communicator version 4.0 or greater"
> That comes up *after* the page already came up. If I stop loading before
> this message comes up I can use the page. It works just fine, too, even with
> cookies disabled. Still no network services, but I could check just fine if
> they wouldn't put in the bogus warning/error.
> They've been given a state sponsored and authorized monopoly. As a result,
> they should have a responsibility to not artificially interfere with people
> in the monopolized area from getting info about service or getting service.
> There's also the fact that the requirement for those two web browsers
> probably violates handicapped access laws...
> Here's the corporation commission.
> I'm not certain if there is any other agency that should be contacted.
even though it may fall upon deaf need to complain to Cox's
webmaster - just to register the complaint.

FWIW - I had a 'friend' who is very aged and refuses to upgrade his
computer...he was using a Macintosh with IE 3.0 which naturally couldn't
activate the mail changes because it couldn't make sense of the html. I
ended up using AOL 5's browswer on the Macintosh - which is the current
AOL for Macintosh. It is approximately 4 years old so you can imagine
the compatibility issues with web pages and of course, it couldn't deal
with the <div> directives and the pages had parts flopping all over the

The sad fact of www design is that IE has become the defacto standard
for browsers...which isn't available on all platforms and it isn't even
consistent among the platforms that is available.
