Frank Reichenbacher
Tue, 12 Mar 2002 14:34:17 -0700

I've been really happy with Speakeasy/Covad. Give them a try. I have a
webserver and a mail server running off of my 144 K IDSL. It's expensive,
but I'm over 15,000 ft. from the central station.

Go to to find out what's available for you.

Frank Reichenbacher

----- Original Message -----
From: "mike" <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, March 12, 2002 12:06 PM
Subject: ISP

> I am looking for a DSL ISP to hook up a server.  I am
> having trouble finding one.  I was going to go with
> inficad, but it seems they were bought out, and I
> can't any info. on what they are doing now.  I HATE
> qwest, they can't even get my phone right, so I am
> somewhat worried about trusting them DSL, and I am not
> sure if they give static IP's or allow web servers.
> Does anyone have one that they like, or one that they
> would recommend.  I live in the tempe area, across
> from ASU.
>                           mike
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