Kimi A. Adams
Tue, 12 Mar 2002 10:02:09 -0700
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Well said. There are people like myself that need to know there is
something better for my customers than Win98. Let's get on with assisting
each other with the future rather than wasting time biting and lashing at
each other.
Thanks for the update. I have just ordered XP for some of my customers and
feel that it will be a good deal better than the Win98 issues we have had
in the past.
Thanks for assisting me with making a decision for customers that rely on
my company to make their life bearable. I wish they all could move to
something more aptly to function, but many programs require and run only
with MS products. No one can change over a company in a day without on
going support and changes to individuals that have always known MS products.
Until a better way appears.................
Kimi Adams
Unity Wave
At 3/12/02, you wrote:
>Hash: SHA1
>Ok - time for everyone to back off a bit. I, like many others, took the
>original flame bait about XP. Who really cares if it is better than previous
>products? I guess what surprised me is that this is a PRO-LINUX group.
>Extolling virtues should be limited to extolling the virtues of Linux.
>We are not, never have been, and never will be if I have anything to say
>about it, an anti-Microsoft group. We are here to help each other and
>support each other. The closer we all (including me) stay to that ideal, the
>better off we all will be.
>- --
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