Dual Boot, yes...Triple Boot?

Kevin Buettner plug-discuss@lists.plug.phoenix.az.us
Fri, 8 Mar 2002 17:12:10 -0700

On Mar 8,  6:47pm, Wank8734@aol.com wrote:

> Is it possible to do a Triple Boot, where Windows 98, Linux Madrake 8.1 and 
> Debian could be my choices? Also is it possible after installing Madrake to 
> uninstall it if I don't like it and liek Debian more? Thanks

Sure.  I have a machine that has 7 different OSes installed on it. 
(None of them are Windows though.)  I use Smart Boot Manager to select
which OS to boot.  A commercial product like Partition Magic comes with
a boot manager as well.  You could also probably find a way to make
grub or lilo do the job for you.  (There are other boot managers
out there too.)

Smart Boot Manager is at

