(no subject)
John (EBo) David
Fri, 08 Mar 2002 02:52:18 -0700
"der.hans" wrote:
> Am 07. Mar, 2002 schwätzte Blake Barnett so:
> > The aliases are there for a good reason, they'll keep you from deleting
> > all your porn in one fell-swoop.
> They should've made aliases to other commmand names, e.g. rmi, mvi, irm,
> imv.
go thought until you understand that the aliasing was done to prevent
Have you ever done a:
rm -r * .o
Please notice the space between the * and the .o Happened to me in real
> > > Bob Holtzman wrote:
> > > >
> > > > Hi,
> > > > Anyone know how to get "rm -r" or "rm -r" to execute *non*interactively?
> > > > This is supposed to be the default behavior, but isn't on my box. I'm
> > > > running RH7.2 but it did the same thing on my old RH6.0.
> Bill had it right in mentioning that it's an alias in the shell
> initialization scripts. You can change it there and it will change it for
> all shells just as it's, IMHO, currently incorrectly aliasing 'rm' to 'rm
> -i', etc.
> If you're using this in scripts, then you should use the '-f' option anyway.
the -f works on most of the newer distro's, but on older ones the
program does not overwride the -i by using a -f. Hense my habbit of
using \rm ...
EBo --