about SawFish
David A. Sinck
Wed, 6 Mar 2002 13:39:37 -0700
\_ SMTP quoth Lynn David Newton on 3/6/2002 13:16 as having spake thusly:
\_ David> E has eye candy...but not the one feature I
\_ David> wanted (binding mouse keys randomly).
\_ Randomly?? That should make your workday interesting.
Well randomly as in "the end user can control what they are". E
couldn't. I had 10+ years of muscle memory withing mouse bindings in
certain places, and Raster's idea of acceptable wasn't in muscle
memory. :-)
\_ Good! Is it safe to install the RPM on RH 7.1, or
\_ should I get the .tgz and build it from source?
It can't hurt...much. :-)
\_ David> \_ ... seems to be lacking
\_ David> \_ entirely some features I want and need, or at least
\_ David> \_ that I haven't been able to locate readily.
\_ David> What are you looking for? Depending, you can
\_ David> write it yourself.
\_ Ha! Maybe in a few months when I get the time to learn
\_ rep.
If you've done elisp, rep isn't all that different.
\_ For now I just want to be able to use the
\_ configuration tools that are provided so I can get up
\_ to speed and not feel crippled.
\_ My problem is undoubtedly simply one of terminology, of
\_ not knowing what's what and what's where.
\_ FWIW, one of the primary features I depend on in a
\_ window manager (or desktop manager, whatever component
\_ supplies it), is a virtual desktop with a pager, as
\_ it's called in FVWM. BTW, I used FVWM for years,
\_ without a desktop manager.
See workspaces under sawfish-ui. See 'next-workspace',
'previous-workspace', 'move-viewport-{down,left,right,up}' under
\_ What I *do* have presently operating is a teeeeny-tiny
\_ virtual window map called a "Desk Guide" in my panel,
\_ with each page taking up about 1/16-inch of real
\_ estate. I need a virtual desktop navigation system on
\_ my desktop. (In Enlightenment I use keyboard commands
\_ to shuffle them 90% of the time rather than clicking on
\_ the pager map, but I haven't had Sawfish running long
\_ enough to start binding keys. It's only been up an
\_ hour.)
Track down spager...it might do what you want.
\_ David> My first amusement was writing code to allow
\_ David> windows to be moved/resized using elliptical
\_ David> outlines.
\_ That I'd love to see.
I'll stall for a few and see if there's enough demand for an on-list
posting otherwise I'll mail privately. I also have something
resembling 'draft' or 'technical' mode in E and a 'cross' mode. It's
really easy.