apache ssl install
Nancy Sollars
Sun, 3 Mar 2002 21:43:58 -0700
needed sources and locations
apache source www.apache.org
mm source www.engelschall.com -- go to open sourced software mm
will be listed
OpenSSL www.openssl.org
ModSSL www.modssl.org
After building and installing mm & openssl
I usually untar both sources SSL and APACHE
then go into the ssl dir and use
./configure --with-apache=/use/src/apache-1.3.xx --with-ssl=/usr/src/openssl
--enable-shared=ssl --with-mm=/usr/src/mm version source
make install
then enter the apache source and do the following
./configure --enable-module=most --enable-shared=max --enable-shared=ssl --e
make install
then alls you have to do is create your SSL cert keys and do
/location/of/your/installd/binary/apachectl startssl
usually by default its
/usr/local/apache/apachectl startssl
if you dont get any errors your all good
HTH Nige
----- Original Message -----
From: "Eric" <swive@getnet.com>
To: "Plug-Discuss" <plug-discuss@lists.plug.phoenix.az.us>
Sent: Sunday, March 03, 2002 9:19 PM
Subject: : apache ssl install
> Hi,
> I'm following "Apache: the definitive guide," and I'm trying to install
> apache 1.3.22 with ssl. The book says to
> i) build SSLeay (openssl),
> ii) then exand the apache tar ball,
> iii) then in the parent directory of apache, expand apache+ssl patch
> iv) then do "./FixPatch".
> Fixpatch concludes by telling me to rebuild openssl again, but the book
> clearly implies that this is not to be done. Rather, the book says to go
> and re-build apache.
> Has anyone done this lately? Do I need to rebuild SSL after building 5
> minutes ago? I'm using openssl 0.9.5a and apache_1.3.22+ssl_1.44.tar.gz.
> Eric
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