Accounting Packages
Mike Starke
Fri, 28 Jun 2002 15:19:02 -0500
I agree with the GNUCash thing, It was the first thing to come to
my mind when he asked tho :-(
You recommend NOLA, but it runs off of MySQL. Yet MySQL is not suited
for accounting?
I think the bottom line is this: There are quite a few folks out there
looking for accounting packages to run on *nix. there are some apps that
I have plans on tweaking, thus having some clean code sure makes life easier.
However, there are some folks (incliuding myself on this one) that just want
to use the software and not bother to tweak it. For instance, I was looking
for a CRM package for a client; I found 'Relata'. Nothing fancy, but it works.
I have made some minor tweaks to it, and the db, but all in all,they run
it as is. I'd like to find an equivalent accounting package.
Web driven, sql based (postgres or mysql), and something I can make minor
tweaks on.
I'll take another look at NOLA in the meantime.
On Fri, Jun 28, 2002 at 02:50:22PM -0500, Derek Neighbors wrote:
I will speak from lots of experience being a developer in this space both
professionally and in free software.
> Two come to mind:
> GNUCash
GNUCash is not for business accounting. Further more it is local file
database (not good for business computing), yes I realize they have a
Postgres version, but its far from stable.
They are working on some small business features but will be more on par
with Quickbooks(which IMHO is a horrible business accounting package for
many reasons) than a PeachTree
> Sql Ledger
SQL Ledger showed lots of promise in many ways until you look at its code
and guts, last I checked you couldnt even reconcile bank accounts. If you
are willing to go web accounting. NOLA from Noguska is much cleaner.
> and perhaps GNUEnterpise >
I think (biased) that we have the best promise in that we are a Framework
much like SAP which offers true flexibility, but we dont have a shrink
wrap accounting pak as of today
Compiere is another nice package, that is polished but currently requires
an Oracle database (pricey) and is under a weak copyleft license (MPL)
> Personally, I am begining to take a look
at Sql Ledger > (, problem is I'm an ole MySQL guy and
> need to learn more 'bout PostgreSQL
MySQL is not suited for business accounting in any way shape or form for
many reasons (its a great database for many things, but this aint one of
them) I strongly suggest you look at NOLA and give it an evaluation along
with SQLLedger before making the jump, you will find it worth your time.
Derek Neighbors
GNU Enterprise
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