Membership database
Thu, 27 Jun 2002 20:58:01 -0700 (MST)
Am 27. Jun, 2002 schwätzte Dr.G so:
> I'm afraid I didn't sign up to this list to have my email put into a DB with
> a list of skills/references on me so that someone can go in there and just
> send me email whenever they have a problem. I thought that was what PLUG was
I don't think that's what anyone was proposing. I hope it wasn't.
I try to get people to mail the list rather than going to me directly.
Admittedly I sometimes go directly to a few people because I know they're
working on the project in question or I specifically want their opinion.
What was proposed was to email the people on the list and ask them to sign
up. That's SPAM and I, personally, am very much against that. Announcing it
as a new project on the appropriate lists is fine. That will get better
reception, so that's the way to go anyway.
The db thing should be totally an opt-in thing, e.g. you initiate your entry
and you maintain it. I think that's what's been proposed.
> If anything, this idea would HAVE to be an Opt-In, not Opt-Out. Opt-Out is
> just as annoyng as MSN/hotmail signing you up for thier spam, not telling
> you, and then saying "Oh, well, its OPT-Out..."
Opt-out should be illegal. At the international level. Period. Actually, at
the intergalactic level!
# When I work, I work hard. When I play, I play hard.
# When I sit, I sleep. - Embe Kugler