Membership database

Thu, 27 Jun 2002 16:23:22 -0700

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I agree with Hans.  We have the tools (i.e. the mail lists themselves) so why 
not use them?  Opt-in if you choose, do nothing (except take the time to read 
the post) if you dont.

On Thursday 27 June 2002 16:13, you wrote:
> Am 27. Jun, 2002 schwätzte Derek Neighbors so:
> > > SPAM, regardless of the cause, is *BAD*!!! We should not mass-email
> > > anyone.
> >
> > I disagree.  Unsolicted SPAM is pure evil.  Solicted SPAM is certainly
> If you've asked to receieve it, it isn't SPAM. That's why we can gently use
> the announce list ( something we should do more often ).
> If, OTOH, we just snarf all the email addies in our lists and start
> mass-mailing them, then that's SPAM. They've signed up for the list
> mechanisms. Using the email addies outside those contexts is opt-out.
> There's no need to hop outside the confines of the lists. People have
> signed up for those, let's use them. Let's not start direct emailing with
> addies reaped from the mailing lists.
> > acceptable.  There are many companies I deal with that I request their
> > SPAM because its valuable to me (discounts, special events, promotions
> > etc) and I know they dont abuse me.  Other people I do business with I
> > woudl never give them my information or if I did I certainly would opt in
> > for them to send me anything.
> We're mostly saying the same thing, except we're differing on the
> definition of SPAM.
> ciao,
> der.hans

- -- 

Freedom is worth protecting

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