mysql -> postgres
Wed, 26 Jun 2002 22:58:24 -0700 (MST)
Am 26. Jun, 2002 schwätzte Tom Emerson so:
> Thing I like most about psql, just about everything I need is available
> from within the psql shell. (I'm a command line bigot).
psql is very nice. SQL completion is pretty good. Still a lot of holes, but
it picks up quite a bit. mysql has a lot more work to do.
psql also has better readline support for SQL command line editing.
\h is great. mysql really needs that.
I'm ecstatic about column level perms in MySQL.
There's also a 'virtual table' feature of some sort that allows me to
designate multiple tables as a single table. I'm really wanting to exploit
this for archiving. Roll old stuff into a secondary table and normal queries
only hit the most recent table, but reports needing more history can
automagically query the whole archive of data. I think that's just me being
lazy because it could be done with some sub-queries, but it's so much easier
to let the db take care of it ;-).
Having different table types, e.g. MyISAM and InnoDB, in mysql is good.
MySQL has much better archiving as I can log all queries that change
anything in the database and there's a mechanism to snarf through it.
PostgreSQL has WAL, but it's not as mature as it needs to be and I don't
know of a tool that would allow me to grep around in it.
Speaking of being able to grep around in data...
lcdb=# SELECT * from lctable \g | egrep -i 'fred|anke';
mysql> \P egrep -i 'fred|anke'
mysql> SELECT * from lctable;
mysql> \P less
Notice that in psql using grep is easier than using a where clause ;-).
BTW, for those not familiar with these two databases...
PostgreSQL is the name of the database and psql is a utility to make
MySQL is the name of the database and mysql is a utility to make queries.
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