West Side InstallFest
Logan Kennelly
Wed, 26 Jun 2002 10:07:05 -0700
Hash: SHA1
On Wednesday 26 June 2002 09:35 am, Derek Neighbors wrote:
> I will start an old war here. I would love to see PLUG have a membership
> database, that let people list their specialities etc.. This would be
> nice so that if we wanted to ever do mailings for things like install
> fests guest speakers and such, but more importantly if someone says "I
> want to install Free BSD on an AMIGA" (or something) we could help find
> someone who might have experience in that.
> More over, it would be nice to have people coming to the install fests
> sign up so we could do adequate followup and inform them of training and
> the likes.
How would this be significantly different from a posting to the PLUG mailing
list? An expert who sees the title "Free BSD on an AMIGA" is just as
likely to volunteer with or without being registered. Additionally, please
lose and gain skills constantly, but probably do not wish to maintain a
PLUG profile (at least, I don't particularly care to).
About the install-festees (can we call them that?), I am also in favor of
the earlier suggestion that they sign onto the mailing list through a
"subscriber box" while they are present. This way the followup and
announcements would be along the lines of 30-50 messages a day! Certainly
that is enough. ;-)
It is a good idea, I just don't see it as being necessary given the nature
of the PLUG mailing list.
- --
Logan Kennelly
(. .)
- --ooO-(_)-Ooo--
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