West Side InstallFest
Robert Bushman
Wed, 26 Jun 2002 00:43:29 -0400 (EDT)
The InstallFest Post Mortem this evening was a
lot of fun, and can be briefly summarized as,
"InstallFest was great! Let's do it again!"
With that in mind the list of volunteers for the
West Side InstallFest has begun:
Flyer: Michelle Lowman
Press: Lee Einer
Site: Steve (foodog) (pending GCC approval)
Web Site: Jim Farli
Chairman: Bob Bushman
Sponsor Wrangler: Available
Installers: Anyone here ever installed Linux before?
Other: How would you like to help?
It was mentioned that der.hans provided quite
a bit of invaluable wiring and power gear, that
Alan has an appreciable network of sponsor
contacts (and Jim may be able to bend the ear
of someone at O'Reilly), and that William
Lindley might have some organizational advice.
Of course, your help is appreciated in any
area you can support.
As a tentative date, I'd like to suggest Saturday,
September 28. Jim suggested this would give
students time to settle into the fall semester
and start looking for weekend distractions.
On potential improvements, some things that caught
my attention at the post mortem were:
1. More stations to allow more simultaneous installs.
2. Preliminary survey to identify users who want
specialized installs.
3. Trans/Post-liminary survey to record the gear
being used, OS being replaced, FAQs, etc.
4. <Your thoughts here!>
"...it's time to drop all the Reagan-era cliches and face facts.
That much economic clout in the hands of one company is bad for
the whole software industry. Including Microsoft. This is [no
longer] a free market." - Flying Monkey 6