PostgreSQL versus MySQL (fwd)
Chris Cowan
Tue, 25 Jun 2002 10:18:52 -0700
For the record, I agree with Joel.
Chris Cowan
Chief Hybrid UberMonkey
Centralized Institute for Applied Neuroinformatics
On Tuesday 25 June 2002 08:11 am, you wrote:
> In my opinion the speed difference between PostgreSQL and MySQL is
> negligible. Tim Perdue from SourceForge did a study a while back
> demonstrating that the newer PostgreSQL was actually faster than MySQL in
> some cases. Trigger and PL support in PGSQL is very nice and I have never
> been let down by PostgreSQL. PostgreSQL is the foundational database for
> all of my Genomics research projects. I am transparently bias on the
> subject because I have been burned by MySQL a few times so take that into
> consideration. A replication daemon for PostgreSQL is also coming along
> nicely.
> Joel Dudley
> Faculty Research Associate
> Arizona State University
> Kumar Laboratory of Evolutionary Functional Genomics
> -----Original Message-----
> From: William Lindley []
> Sent: Monday, June 24, 2002 9:13 PM
> To: Phoenix Linux Users Group
> Subject: Re: PostgreSQL versus MySQL (fwd)
> In response to the earlier question, Scott Walters <>
> who is not on the PLUG list writes:
> --------
> PostgreSQL supports triggers, constraints, PL, subqueries, and serveral
> other things.
> MySQL supports replication, precompiled queries (huge speed up on resident
> code), and is optimized for throughput in addition to speed.
> Both of them are very fast, and out perform almost all commercial
> databases, hands down.
> I wouldn't sweat it too much either way unless you specificly need a
> feature that only one or the other has. They are both excellent systems.
> I'd use MySQL where speed was the biggist factor.
> I'd use Postgres where complex reporting or building a large
> ("Enterprise") data warehouse was the concern.
> -scott
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