PostgreSQL versus MySQL
Scott Goodwin
Tue, 25 Jun 2002 02:26:26 +0000
I can't give you a point-by-point comparison, but I'd select
PostgreSQL. It's very
easy to set up and manage, it's very stable under load and is fully
Here are a few links that may help you decide, but realize that both
are evolving fairly rapidly, so some of this may be rather dated:
Scott S. Goodwin
On Mon, 24 Jun 2002 17:46:02 -0700, said:
> Message: 9
> From: Lynn David Newton <>
> Date: Mon, 24 Jun 2002 15:22:31 -0700
> To: Phoenix Linux Users Group <>
> Subject: PostgreSQL versus MySQL
> Reply-To:
> To persons who have knowledge of both MySQL and
> PostgreSQL:
> Could someone characterize the highlights and
> differences, particularly regarding PostgreSQL? I've
> been working on a project where I suggested using
> MySQL, with which I am sufficiently familiar to just
> jump right in and start using it to design a database,
> tables, etc. However, I know utterly nothing about
> PostgreSQL, and the person I'm working for believes it
> would be a better choice for the project we're working
> on, and also doesn't mind the time it will take for me
> to come up to speed on it. No problem there, I'm always
> happy for someone to pay me to learn something new, but
> I also need to get a handle on it as quickly as
> possible.
> Any short bullet list of comparisons would be much
> appreciated.
> And lest I forget -- congratulations to PLUG on pulling
> off what was apparently a successful event this past
> weekend. I was not able to be there myself, but
> encouraged others to go.
> --
> Lynn David Newton
> Phoenix, AZ
Scott Goodwin