SMTP mail relay server for SPAM filtering
Tom Achtenberg
Thu, 20 Jun 2002 10:58:37 -0700
By using the content filtering and message ratings we have been able to eliminate about 95% of the spam we were receiving. Especially all the porno spam. It sits on our VALinux gateway and is doing a great job. Go to to read about it.
Subject: RE: SMTP mail relay server for SPAM filtering
From: Craig White <>
Date: 20 Jun 2002 09:55:32 -0700
what's mime-defang have to do with spam?
On Thu, 2002-06-20 at 09:37, Tom Achtenberg wrote:
> We are using MimeDefang very successfully.
> -------------------original message-------------------------
> Date: Thu, 20 Jun 2002 04:03:49 -0400 (EDT)
> From: Scott Henderson <>
> To:
> Subject: SMTP mail relay server for SPAM filtering
> Reply-To:
> My company, like many, I'm sure, is wrestling with spam email.
> Currently we're handling it manually, creating blocks on our
> Exchange server based on IP addresses. We are not being given
> any budget to solve this problem, but we do have a few spare
> servers sitting around. I'm thinking this may be an opportunity
> to show the MS-based IT Dept what can be done with some Open
> Source software. I'd like suggestions on how to set up an SMTP
> mail relay box and anti-spam software. I have a year or so
> experience with a few Linux distros on my desktop and laptop at
> home, so I'm no wizard, but I can usually find my way around.
> Is this doable? We average around 6-700 SMTP emails per hour
> during the day, and spike to maybe 1500 on occasion. I want to
> set the box up inside the DMZ, in front of the Exchange server,
> and just have it relay to and from that box. What distro? What
> software? How to config? Any HOWTOs on this or other resources?
> Thanks much!