
Shawn Rutledge
Thu, 13 Jun 2002 09:25:15 -0700

I'd only suggest using XML formatting in your email and then you will
be somewhat future-proof.  Then use whatever language is most comfortable
and has a MySQL driver; they all have XML parsers I think.

Or, instead of email you could make an HTTP connection and use SOAP
protocol; Apache has a SOAP layer available, but it's easy enough 
to write a Perl CGI or PHP script or servlet to handle SOAP as well.
And it's then easy to replace the modem with a wired Internet 
connection later if anybody wants to do that.

On Thu, Jun 13, 2002 at 08:37:35AM -0700, James Shaker wrote:
> I would like to use "you all" as a sounding board for a project I am
> working on, if that is ok?
> We have developed a machine that will be deployed in a few thousand
> locations around the US, Puerto Rico, and Bahamas.  This product will be
> connected to a phone line and will call a linux server that we set up as
> a PPP dial in server.  Once connected, the product will send a small
> email detailing production amounts and status information.  The machine
> will also receive an email, if any, for parameter changes, etc.  This
> all works well.
> Once the server receives the email I want to parse that information and
> put it into MySql.  The status of these machines can be viewed via the
> web using apache and PHP4.  
> What I would like some advice on, what is the better method of parsing
> the email and putting it into MySql?
> Its not that I don't have many options... I have too many.
> Procmail -> awk/sed -> PHP4 script -> MySql
> Perl -> MySql
> And many other combination of tools.  I am leaning towards a Perl ->
> MySql solution for the simplicity; however, I want to know if anyone
> else has something that might be better. Perhaps Python?  

  _______                   Shawn T. Rutledge / KB7PWD
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