SonicWall and linux client
Cap Bateman
09 Jun 2002 19:58:47 -0700
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On Sun, 2002-06-09 at 18:50, Charlie Bullen wrote:
> I have been able to get Opera on Suse 7.3 to present itself to SoncWall a=
s IE 5, but it still won't let me through. The solution proposed by sonic w=
all is to assign a Static ip address to my linux box and exepmt that ip fro=
m the anti virus requirement. This is possible to do, but I may have a hard=
time selling this idea to my employer.
> Is there any danger and if so how much, to running a linuxbox with no ant=
i virus protection on a network that is all win98 or XP workstations? Many =
Linux servers, but this would be the first linux workstation.
> I've never heard of such a thing but is there antivirus software for linu=
> Regards,
> Charlie
Sure is, check at for a whole selection.
D.L. 'Cap' Bateman
Registered Linux User #268440, Machine #151687
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