Motherboard with linux question
Sat, 1 Jun 2002 11:05:58 -0700 (PDT)
Thank you for the responses. I thought I would be
better off getting a new board, I just thought I would
ask to make sure.
With these comments being made I was wondering if
someone would be willing to contact me off list and
answer a few questions. I am sure not everyone wants
their e-mail filled up with hardware questions.
My question right now is simply what motherboards
tend to do better, and what is a good way to find out.
I know I can just do a regular search and research on
them, but what are the certain "brands" that tend to
do better than the others?
--- "Richard L. Proctor" <> wrote:
> On Saturday 01 June 2002 08:07 am, George Toft
> wrote:
> > I went to google and searched for:
> > M810LMR Linux
> > and the results are not that impressive. There
> seem to be many
> > issues with this board, and they are not just
> limited to Linux.
> I think that board he is trying to use is a PC
> Chips, that's a warning sign
> in itself. :-)
> --
> Richard L. Proctor
> Krystal Computer Services
> PC Repairs & U-pgrades
> 480-699-3098
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