Contact Linux Canada
Lee Einer
Mon, 29 Jul 2002 23:53:09 -0700
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Hi, all-
Quality accounting software for Linux has been a topic of discussion
with this group on several occasions. Has anyone checked out Quasar? It
looks like a fully functioning business accounting package, with
inventory management included.
Lee Einer
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<font face="Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif" size=2 color="000000">
<font size="3"><b>Quasar Accounting</b></font><br><br>
Quasar is a full function, stand-alone business accounting
package. You may elect to use the Quasar Accounting base package which
is available for use free of charge on a single computer. Or, you may
elect to purchase some of the Quasar add-on modules which are
available for a nominal fee. With Quasar it is extremely easy to set
up remote access to multiple servers from multiple workstations. You
can run Quasar on both Windows and/or Linux on the same network. For
example, you can maintain a Linux server and access the data from a
Windows workstation. <br><br>
<font size="3"><b>Screen Shots</b></font><br><br>
<td align=center>
<font size="2"><b><a href="quasar_screen1.html">Main Login</a>
</b></font> </a>
<td align=center>
<font size="2"><b><a href="quasar_screen2.html">Journal Entry</a>
</b></font> </a>
<td align=center>
<font size="2"><b><a href="quasar_screen3.html">Write Check</a>
</b></font> </a>
<td align=center>
<font size="2"><b><a href="quasar_screen4.html">Customer Invoice</a>
</b></font> </a>
<td align=center>
<font size="2"><b><a href="quasar_screen5.html">Pay Bills</a>
</b></font> </a>
<td align=center>
<font size="2"><b><a href="quasar_screen6.html">Summary Report</a>
</b></font> </a>
<td align=center>
<font size="2"><b><a href="quasar_screen7.html">Barcode Label</a>
</b></font> </a>
<td align=center>
<font size="2"><b><a href="quasar_screen8.html">Shelf Sign</a>
</b></font> </a>
<td align=center>
<font size="2"><b><a href="quasar_help/index.html">Online Help</a>
</b></font> </a>
<font size="3"><b>Check out these features:</b></font><br><br>
<li><A HREF="#base">Base Package</A>
<li><A HREF="#os">for Linux or Windows</A>
<li><A HREF="#inter">international ready</A><img src="new_smal.gif">
<li><A HREF="#gui">graphical user interface</A>
<li><A HREF="#entry">fast/easy data entry</A>
<li><A HREF="#error">quick error correction</A>
<li><A HREF="#state">financial statements</A>
<li><A HREF="#bill">vendor billing</A>
<li><A HREF="#claim">vendor claims</A>
<li><A HREF="#quote">customer quotes</A>
<li><A HREF="#invoice">customer invoices</A> <img src="new_smal.gif">multiple tenders
<li><A HREF="#ar">accounts receivable</A>
<li><A HREF="#ap">accounts payable</A>
<li><A HREF="#cheque">cheque writing printing</A>
<li><A HREF="#mail">mailing labels</A>
<li><A HREF="#bank">bank reconciliation</A>
<li><A HREF="#recur">recurring transactions</A><img src="new_smal.gif">
<li><A HREF="#tax">multiple taxes</A>
<li><A HREF="#disc">selling discounts</A>
<li><A HREF="#shift">work shift control</A><img src="new_smal.gif">
<li><A HREF="#charge">purchasing charges</A>
<li><A HREF="#backup">Backup and Restore</A>
<li><A HREF="#repo">fast and easy reporting</A><img
src="new_smal.gif"> summary report
<li><A HREF="#help">on-line help</A>
<li><A HREF="#pref">preferences</A>
<li><A HREF="#company">multiple companies</A>
<li><A HREF="#inv">Inventory Management</A>
<li><A HREF="#dept">departments and sub-departments</A>
<li><A HREF="#pr">purchasing and receiving</A>
<li><A HREF="#price">advanced price management</A>
<li><A HREF="#cost">superior cost management</A>
<li><A HREF="#landed">true landed cost</A>
<li><A HREF="#margin">full margin control</A>
<li><A HREF="#deposit">container deposits</A>
<li><A HREF="#kit">create kits</A>
<li><A HREF="#physical">physical counts</A>
<li><A HREF="#size">multiple case sizes</A>
<li><A HREF="#number">multiple lookup numbers</A>
<li><A HREF="#loc">stock locations</A><img src="new_smal.gif">
<li><A HREF="#vend">multiple vendors per item</A>
<li><A HREF="#hist">sales history</A>
<li><A HREF="#label">barcode labels and signs</A><img src="new_smal.gif">
<li><A HREF="#adjust">item adjustments</A>
<li><A HREF="#flag">active and stocked status</A>
<li><A HREF="#invrepo">powerful reporting</A>
<li><A HREF="#handheld">Hand Held Interface (Only for Linux)</A> <img src="new_smal.gif">
<li><A HREF="#download">download handheld application</A>
<li><A HREF="#send">send inventory items</A>
<li><A HREF="#receive">receive counts and price checks</A>
<li><A HREF="#store">Multi Store</A>
<li><A HREF="#storefinancial">financials by store</A>
<li><A HREF="#multiinfo">inventory information</A>
<li><A HREF="#storestocked">stocking by store</A>
<li><A HREF="#storeprice">pricing by store</A>
<li><A HREF="#transfer">stock transfers</A>
<li><A HREF="#ledgertransfer">expense allocation</A>
<font size="3"><b>Evaluate Quasar</b></font><br><br>
Quasar accounting software <b>Version 1.2</b> has now been released and is
available for evaluation. If you are interested in evaluating the new Quasar please download your copy today from our <a href="downloads.html">downloads</a> page. You may view the release notes for the new version <a href="release.html">here</a>.
To review the Quasar Software License Agreement <a href="license.html">Click Here</a>.
<font size="3"><b>How to Purchase from Linux Canada Inc.</b></font><br><br>
The individual Quasar packages may be downloaded from our <a
href="downloads.html">downloads</a> page. An evaluation license is
included in the download packages. The Quasar base package is
available for use on a single computer free of charge. When you
purchase one or more Quasar add-on modules a personalized
live license is sent to you via e-mail.
<a href="purchase.php"><img src="buynow.gif" border="0"></a>
<font size="3"><A NAME="base"><b>Base Package</b></A></font><br><br>
<A NAME="os">for Linux or Windows</A>
Quasar and most of its features are available for both Linux
and Windows. The point-of-sale module is available only for
Linux. On Linux Quasar supports Red Hat 7.0+, Mandrake 7.2+ and SuSe
7.1+. On Windows Quasar supports 98, ME, 2000 and XP.
<A NAME="inter">international ready</A>
Quasar's new international ready features include the ability to define
your monetary symbol, monetary format, date format, time format,
number format and percentage format. Any and all text can be
translated or changed to suit your specific requirements. In addition
Quasar has a standard Canadian format and a standard United States format.
<A NAME="gui">graphical user interface</A>
Quasar is a new product designed with a graphical interface. It is not an
older text based package with a graphical interface add-on. It was
designed using Qt which is the same library used for the KDE user
interface and other Linux projects. For more information on Qt 3.0 please
see the Trolltech web page at
<A NAME="entry">fast/easy data entry</A>
The Quasar main window, icons, menus, lookups, and search
functions have all been designed with you, the user, in mind. Screens
were kept simple with instant access to advanced functions
and superior access to supporting data. <p>
<A NAME="error">quick error correction</A>
Existing transactions are easy to find and easy to edit. Quasar has
a find transaction screen that allows you to find a transaction very
quickly using a variety of selection criteria. <p>
<A NAME="state">financial statements</A>
Financial reports include balance sheets, profit and loss
statements and trial balances. A transaction journal provides the
detail of selected transactions. An inquiry screen provides detailed
activity of an account, customer or vendor. <p>
<A NAME="bill">vendor billing</A>
A vendor invoice screen provides the ability to enter vendor bills
complete with reference numbers and payment terms.<p>
<A NAME="claim">vendor claims</A>
Create and post vendor claims for short shipments, incorrect pricing,
incorrect freight routing, defective goods and damaged goods.<p>
<A NAME="quote">customer quotes</A>
Create customer quotes. Quickly turn quotes into invoices when the
customer returns to purchase the product.
<A NAME="invoice">customer invoices</A>
Create customer invoices with multiple lines. Invoice may be paid
immediately with a single or multiple tenders, or charged to a
receivable account.
<A NAME="ar">accounts receivable</A>
Provide credit terms to your customers. An aged receivable screen
provides an aged summary and aged detail of your
receivables. Receive payments on account and allocate payments to
specific invoices. Define customer payment terms and give early
payment discounts. Print customer statements.
<A NAME="ap">accounts payable</A>
View aged payables both in summary and in detail. Select a specific
vendor to pay, or choose to pay several bills. Pay an entire invoice
or make a partial payment. Know your bank balance
and know your cash requirements. Allocate payments and credits to
specific invoices or allocate them to the oldest
invoices. Define early payment terms and take early payment discounts.
<A NAME="cheque">cheque writing and printing</A>
Create quick cheques or pay existing bills. Write cheques manually or
professionally print them to a printer using a cheque form.
<A NAME="mail">mailing labels</A>
Print mailing labels for customers, vendors, employees and personal
acquaintances. Select labels from one of our supported forms.
<A NAME="bank">bank reconciliation</A>
Reconcile a bank account or other ledger account to an external
statement. A bank reconciliation may be conducted in several sittings,
storing the reconciliation after each sitting. Print the details of
your reconciliation now or in the future.
<A NAME="recur">recurring transactions</A>
Define recurring transactions for recurring journal entries, recurring
cheques, recurring customer invoices, recurring vendor invoices and
recurring vendor payments.
<A NAME="tax">multiple taxes</A>
Define multiple taxes and tax groups with variable rates. Taxes
collected and paid post to appropriate accounts. Define if a
customer is exempt from paying a specific tax or taxes.
<A NAME="disc">selling discounts</A>
All discounts have an audit trail. Define both line discounts and
transaction discounts. A discount may be a percentage discount or a
dollar amount.
<A NAME="shift">work shift control</A>
Every transaction includes date, time, work station, employee and
shift. After a each work shift, you can close the shift, complete cash
reconciliations, do tender adjustments and report on the results.
<A NAME="charge">purchasing charges</A>
Add charges such as franchise fees or freight to an invoice.
<A NAME="backup">backup and restore</A>
Backup your company to a backup file and restore it as and when the
need arises.
<A NAME="repo">fast and easy reporting</A>
Special screens have been created to make obtaining information fast,
easy and concise, with as much detail as is required. Most of the
information screens provide the ability to drill down to the
transaction level. All provide the ability to print your information
to a file or printer. A new summary report provides the ability to
view the summary information of sales, margin, transactions, tenders,
taxes, deposits and discounts.
<A NAME="help">on-line help</A>
On-line help is available for every screen. A table of contents
provides the ability to move around and view several help screens in
<A NAME="pref">preferences</A>
Set your style, font and color preferences.
<A NAME="company">multiple companies</A>
Create and manage multiple companies within the same application.
<font size="3"><A NAME="inv"><b>Inventory Management</b></A></font><br><br>
<A NAME="dept">departments and sub-departments</A>
Departments are the highest level of inventory. Sub-departments are
nestled within departments and items are nestled within
sub-departments. This hierarchy provides an excellent tool for
finding, reporting and listing items.
<A NAME="pr">purchasing and receiving</A>
Create purchase orders with multiple items. Receive products and
create vendor invoices. Items on
open purchase orders are shown as on order. Items invoiced are added
to inventory and are shown as on hand. Lists of orders, receiving and
vendor invoices are maintained for viewing and editing purposes.
<A NAME="price">advanced price management</A>
Quasar has very advanced and flexible pricing capabilities. Following
is a list of the pricing features:
<li> regular single prices (example - $1.00)
<li> at/for pricing (example - 3/$1.00)
<li> minimum quantity (example - 1-4 units $1.00 each, 4 or more units
$.90 each)
<li> quantity limits (example - limit of 3 at promotion price)
<li> mix/match pricing (link numerous items to a group and link a
special price to all items in the group)
<li> special pricing for a single customer or group of customers
<li> promotions with opening and closing dates
<li> prices valid only on specific days of the week
<li> cost plus pricing (example - a customer can be billed cost
plus 10%)
<li> percent off pricing (example - a customer can be billed price
less 5%)
<li> dollar off pricing (example - a customer can be billed price less
<li> with Quasar you can include both taxes and/or container deposits
in the selling price. Quasar accurately breaks out the taxes and
deposits for your customer.
A set price screen allows multiple price changes to be implemented at
one time. Prices may be calculated based on a mark-up from cost, a
gross margin, a target gross margin or a percentage increase or
<A NAME="cost">superior cost management</A>
Not unlike pricing, Quasar has superior costing
capabilities. Following is a list of the cost features:
<li> regular single costs (example - $1.00)
<li> at/for costing (example - 3/$1.00)
<li> minimum quantity (example - 1-4 units $1.00 each, 4 or more units
$.90 each)
<li> quantity limits (example - limit of 3 at special cost)
<li> mix/match costing (link numerous items to a group and link a
special cost to all items in the group)
<li> cost by vendor or group of vendors
<li> vendor promotions with opening and closing dates
<li> costs valid only on specific days of the week
<li> percent off costing (example - you can be billed cost
less 5%)
<li> dollar off costing (example - you can be billed cost less
<li> Quasar handles taxes that are included in the cost of your items
and accurately breaks the tax out to provide you with the true cost
<li> Quasar handles container deposits that are included in the cost
of your items and accurately breaks the deposit out to provide you with
the true cost.
<A NAME="landed">true landed cost</A>
Quasar provides the ability to define charges such as freight charges
and franchise fees. Charges, such as Freight, can be allocated to the
cost of each item based on that items actual weight (landed cost =
cost + freight charges) . Charges, such as
franchise fees, can be allocated to the cost of an item based on the
cost of that item (landed cost = cost + franchise fee). Quasar handles
multiple charges on one vendor invoice. Charges can be included on the
vendor invoice (internal), or they can come as a separate billing on a
third party invoice (external). Either way Quasar provides the ability
to include the charges in the landed cost calculation.
<A NAME="margin">full margin control</A>
Quasar's extensive margin control starts with setting target margins
by sub-department and the ability to report on which items are not
meeting your target margins. In the item master screen, margin
percentages are calculated for you,
if you enter a price, and if you enter a margin percentage, the price will be
calculated for you. If you prefer to work with mark-ups,
Quasar can calculate prices for you based on mark-ups.
<A NAME="deposit">container deposits</A>
Many products are shipped with container deposits. For example, bottle
deposits, can deposits and pallet
deposits. In Quasar you can define if the container deposit is
included in the cost of each item or billed separately on the vendor
invoice. You can also define if the container deposit is included in
your selling price or if it is to be added separately to the customer
<A NAME="kit">create kits</A>
With Quasar you can build kits or packages out of existing items. For
example, you can build a fishing tackle kit out of various lures,
spoons, line and reels. Another example would be manufacturing
something from numerous components. When you build a kit the inventory of the
individual items are reduced and the inventory of the kit is
increased automatically.
<A NAME="physical">physical counts</A>
Multiple counts can be recorded. Items counted in
more than one location and/or on more than one count sheet are automatically
added together by Quasar. Prior to processing your counts you can view
all of the discrepancies between your physical count and your systems on hand
quantities. You can review the count detail of any item. And, you can
report on all items that should have been counted but were not. When counts
are processed an inventory adjustment is automatically created for
<A NAME="size">multiple case sizes</A>
Quasar handles items with multiple case sizes. As you do not always
sell items in the same case sizes as they are purchased you can define
which case sizes are purchased and which are sold. Of course you can
assign the correct cost and price to each size.
<A NAME="number">multiple lookup numbers</A>
An individual item may have multiple lookup numbers. For example, your
assigned number, your vendor's number(s), UPC codes and various other
price lookups (PLU's).
<A NAME="loc">stock locations</A>
Quasar's stock locations provide an excellent addition to Quasar's inventory
management capabilities. Define the "Section", "Fixture" and "Bin" where your
products are located. Your stock status report will now display the
location where your items can be found. Items can be listed by
location and you can run reports by location.
<A NAME="vend">multiple vendors per item</A>
It is recognized that you may have multiple vendors for a single item
and that each vendor may sell an item in different case sizes and at different
costs. In Quasar you can define specific vendor numbers, case sizes
and costs for each of your vendors.<p>
<A NAME="hist">sales history</A>
Access to accurate sales history is very important to proper inventory
management. The Quasar sales history screen provides the ability to
view your history by month, week or day. You can view the sales
history for an individual case size or for all sizes that the item is
sold by. For purchasing purposes you can view your sales in either the
selling case size or in the purchasing case size. If opened from a
purchase order, the sales history screen displays the history of each
item as you enter them on the order.
<A NAME="label">barcode labels and signs</A>
Design your own barcode shelf labels, shelf talkers and signs and
print them using the new Quasar labels screen.
<A NAME="adjust">item adjustments</A>
An item adjustment screen provides the ability to change the on hand
quantity and/or on hand value of an item(s). All adjustments post to the
ledger accounts. Inventory can not be adjusted without an audit trail.
<A NAME="flag">active and stocked status</A>
Define the state of your inventory. Only active and stocked items appear
on inventory lists and lookups by default. This provides the ability
for a large inventory database while minimizing the size of lists and
<A NAME="invrepo">powerful reporting</A>
View the stock status of any item at any time. View the sales history
of an item by month, week or day. By date
range you can view:
<li> an items sales, purchases and adjustment activities in both summary and
<li> all transactions containing a specific item or group of items
<li> all sales of a specific item or group of items
<li> all purchases of a specific item or group of items
In all of the above cases you can drill down and view the actual
transactions. You can report on items purchased by specific customers
and you can report on items sold to you by specific vendors. You can
very quickly find any transaction with a specific item on it.
<font size="3"><A NAME="handheld"><b>Handheld Interface (Available for Linux Only)</b></A></font><br><br>
<A NAME="download">download handheld application</A>
Download the handheld application from Quasar Accounting into the
handheld unit.
<A NAME="send">send inventory items</A>
Send inventory numbers and prices to the handheld unit to be used in
price checks and item counts.
<A NAME="receive">receive counts and price checks</A>
Receive inventory counts and price checks from the handheld and
process the data.
<font size="3"><A NAME="store"><b>Multi Store</b></A></font><br><br>
<A NAME="storefinancial">financials by store</A>
The multi store feature provides the ability to run multiple stores
on a network. Financial statements can be printed by store or as a
complete company. Payables and receivables can be treated as common
for all stores, or if you prefer, you can keep them separate.
<A NAME="multiinfo">inventory information</A>
View reports, stock status and sales history for the entire company,
or alternatively view information from a specific store.
<A NAME="storestocked">stocking by store</A>
Define, by store, which items are stocked and which ones are not. This
feature substantially reduces the size of lists and information in
the smaller stores and in stores with a different core selection of
<A NAME="storeprice">pricing by store</A>
While it is easier to have common costs and prices you can define
separate costs and prices for some or all stores. You can even set a
special price, specific to a single customer or group of customers, that
is valid only at selected stores.
<A NAME="transfer">stock transfers</A>
A special transfer screen provides the ability to transfer stock between two
<A NAME="ledgertransfer">expense allocation</A>
A ledger transfer screen provides the ability to allocate expenses
and/or other account amounts from one store to multiple stores. For
example, you may setup an administration office as a store. Pay all
bills from that site and allocate expenses appropriately.
<font size="3"><b>Update and Upgrade Policy</b></font><br><br>
From time to time Linux Canada Inc. will develop small patches or updates to
a major release. These patches will be made available, on our web
site, at no charge. If you purchase a copy of one major release of Quasar,
and within 30 days another major release is made available, you will have
the option to upgrade to the new release at 50% of the list price of
the new release.
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