Thu presentation for SMUG
Wed, 31 Jul 2002 00:37:27 -0700 (MST)
moin, moin,
I haven't gotten any confirmations from people who can help with the
It's this Thu starting at 19:00. It will be near 48th St and I-10 in
Ahwatukee. I'm waiting on the exact address.
The two main topics are the co-project for increasing the Free Software
installbase and 'what is GNU/Linux?'.
Something that would be good to have in there is bridge software. Examples
would be vmware, win4lin, wine and the other emulator types of things. Other
examples would be OpenOffice, GIMP, Evolution, PHP, Perl, MySQL, PostgreSQL
and other Free Software that runs on m$ OSen.
I am obviously not the one to cover emulators as I don't use any of them.
I'm also not the one to cover running Free Software on m$ OSen as I don't
use them. I don't even use the non-programming programs on GNU/Linux :).
Please let me know if you can show up and help me with covering bridge
software. It doesn't need to be part of the presentation. I'm sure it'll
come up in the Q and A afterwards. If it doesn't, it would be smart of us to
work it in.
The South Mountain Users Group is an m$ users group. I hope to not only
introduce them to Free Software, but to enlist their help in supporting our
Free Software CDs on m$ OSen.
# If you're not learning, you're not living. - der.hans