Plug (und cox) (fwd)
John Olson
Mon, 29 Jul 2002 19:22:58 -0700
Does anyone have Cox in/near central Tempe and had the good luck of
everyone that's been posting? I have a cvs repository that I have to
access remotely and a changing IP or blocked ssh ports wouldn't work
very well for me. But I'm so sick of the SprintBBD service that I might
tolerate a little inconvenience. Sadly, Qwest just can't seem to answer
anything about availablitly of DSL in my neighborhood.
-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Mike
Sent: Monday, July 29, 2002 7:04 PM
Subject: Re: Plug (und cox) (fwd)
I live around Tatum & Union Hills (moved here last Sept) and despite the
horror stories I heard about COX throughout the years, sprung for a
cable modem. I have been 100% satisfied with the service here.
The guy came out, ran a cable up to my office, and then left.
I plugged in my OpenBSD box, and have had the same IP since last
I had a IPSEc tunnel to my previous employer with no problems at all,
and I run some demo stuff off my home web server (just forwArded port
8080 on the OpenBSD box to my apache Linux box) with no problems at all.
I even have mail sent to my home box on p25 with no problems.
So, in my humble opinion, it has nothing to do with valley location or
whether it is COX or not; I think it has to do with alignment of pluto
and mars on any given day.
Of course, I did fail to mention that the cable for TV sucks. Snow, snow
everywhere except 1 or two channels. However, as long as the data
service remains the same, I'm not complaining :-)
On Mon, Jul 29, 2002 at 05:22:11PM -0700, Jeffrey Pyne wrote:
I think the thing with Cox is that it really depends on what area of
the Valley you're in. I'm near downtown Phoenix, and my next door
neighbor and I LOVE our Cox connections. I get some crazy download
speeds. I was downloading some Yonder Mountain String Band SHNs from
an FTP server a while ago and was getting about 380KB/sec. :) A
friend who lives near 20th St. and Osborn gets the same kind of speeds.
But at the same time, I used to work with a guy who lives near Tatum
and Bell and he said that in the evening, his Cox connection is as slow
as dialup. As far as the port blockage, I've managed to mostly work
around that where I need to. (I might be more annoyed about that if
the price wasn't so right.) The conversion from Excite/@Home was a
little annoying, but not TOO bad, considering. As for stability, I've
had two outages in the past 3+ years. All in all, I have been VERY
happy with Cox since I have been with them. Your mileage may vary,
2 cents,
On Monday, July 29, 2002 5:10 PM, John Olson wrote:
> The more I hear about cox, the more I'm glad to suffer with
> my sporadic
> SprintBBD service (DSL not available). For one thing, Cox blocks a
> plethora of ports including 25 and 110 (The list on their site >
somewhere, you really have to hunt for it).
> FWIW, Mesa has two cable systems, Cox and cableAmerica. I
> have a friend
> on CableAmerica's cable service and he's happy. He's doing
> average user
> stuff, but has a static IP, a cheap router behind his modem serving a
> few Windows boxes, and does VPN to his employer with no problems.
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