Plug (und cox) (fwd)

Bill Nash
Mon, 29 Jul 2002 08:54:35 +0000 (UTC)

On Mon, 29 Jul 2002, Jeffrey Pyne wrote:

> I have an OpenBSD firewall with its external interface configured for DHCP.
> I also just set my boss up with a RedHat Linux box which gets its external
> IP address from Cox' DHCP.  So rest assured, you aren't chasing wild geese
> here-- it is possible to connect a non-Windows system to Cox' network.

	Near as I can tell, they do something with DHCP to only bind a
single address per cable modem, so you have to let the DHCP lease expire
before you can renew/request a new IP for a different MAC address.

	I use a FreeBSD bridging firewall between my cable modem and my
Linux masquerade machine. During initial setups, I had a windows machine
plugged directly into the cable modem for the initial DHCP query. When I
cut the Linux box in to fire up masqing, I got nothing over DHCP, just
like you did. Interface sniffing showed the requests going out, and I
could see other traffic coming over the wire, so I jacked the NIC out of
the windows box and stuffed it into the Linux box (because I'm more
impatient than you are =). Voila, packets for me. Lesson learned, one IP
per cable modem, let the lease expire or park one NIC on it and proxy the

- billn