Plug (und cox) (fwd)
Mon, 29 Jul 2002 14:00:39 -0700 (MST)
moin, moin,
forwarding this in for Jason.
# "Communications without intelligence is noise;
# Intelligence without communications is irrelevant."
# Gen. Alfred. M. Gray, USMC
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Sat, 27 Jul 2002 11:52:15 -0400
From: simply service <>
Subject: Plug (und cox)
Hallo Hans,
Simply Service ist Jason Pfingstmann, dies ist mein mobile email account. Ich bin subscribed zu plug discuss und moechte was posten, aber ich kann von hier keins senden weil es nur hier weitergeleitet wird. Kannst du mir ein gefallen tun? Kannst du das folgende fuer micht posten? Danke schon voraus.
(This message was sent via der.hans through to plug because plug is forwarded to me - Jason Pfingstmann - and I can't get to my subscribed account)
I am having a terrible time trying to configure cox at home to work with a linux router I built for a friend. Cox uses dhcp to assign ips and has changed their system so computer names were irrelevant. My friend had his computer connected to cox on WinXP with dhcp, no problems there...Linux (2.4.18, SuSe) REFUSES to get an ip (request times out, even when set to 120 seconds). I've tried -r for old dhcp compliance, still nothing. I've tried another network card, nothing...same config on my office network grabs on right away..I removed /var/lib/dhcp/eth0.cache or something similar to stop it from trying to renew its old lease from a different network. Still nothing. I'm guessing that cox has done something to prevent linux from connecting (if you use linux, you are obviously computer literate, and will more than likely use nat and connect lots of systems - they might be disswaying that). There are direction for how to configure several os's, including macs and nt !
special instructions listed, so if true it might be the differences between m$ dhcp (and mac) and linux that causes the problem.
I just spent all night working on this...if you want to email directly, will do, please post responses to the list for others tho. Thanks
Jason Pfingstmann
480 233 8801