Robert Bushman
Mon, 29 Jul 2002 12:35:52 -0400 (EDT)
The two people heading up that part of the project
are Anthony (tickticker) and Tom Emerson. They
are CC'd above.
On Mon, 29 Jul 2002, charlie bullen wrote:
> Good Morning, I would like to get in contact with the people who are planning
> on contacting schools regarding the west side install fest. I was at the
> meeting las week, but had to leave early and didn't get their email
> addressses.
> Regards,
> Charlie
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'Microsoft also warned today that the era of "open computing," the
free exchange of digital information that has defined the personal
computer industry, is ending.'
Will Microsoft permit you to use your mission critical data when
you need it? Linux will, and you have the source to prove it.