IF02.2 Status - 07-24
Kimi A. Adams
Thu, 25 Jul 2002 13:57:03 -0700
I need to catch up with one thing. Is there someone that is taking the PLUG Penquins in the Desert and creating T-shirts for IF2?
If not, I do have someone that can help us. Cost of shirts and screening would have to be paid up front though. But it also depends on the amount of shirts that we would want printed up. A gross is 12 dozen. That's a good start but not sure what the group might be able to sell or would want to buy. Then there is the sizing that would be required, Lg, XL, 2X?
Let me know.
At 7/24/02, you wrote:
>Install Fest II - 07-24 Status
>Critical Path Tasks:
>- Verify the location. Steve planned to submit the
> proposal today, and felt the odds were reasonably
> good.
>- Assess priority and feasibility of suggestions.
>- Identify volunteers for open slots.
>- Start warming up the sponsors.
>Michelle Lowman has offered to do the presentation on
>Free Software licenses!
>Michelle Lowman has posted the first revision of the
>flyer (which you should manually download and open in
>Acrobat separately - the plugin horks it up)
>The O'Reilly shipment has arrived!
>+ More Install Stations
>+ Press Releases on 31 July and 31 Aug
>+ School (K-12) Oriented Press Release(s)
>+ School (College) Oriented Press Release(s)
>+ School (K-12,College) Direct Invitations
>+ Mailing List Registration - Current Lists
>+ May We Contact You? - Attendees
>+ May We Contact You? - Install Customers
>+ Demo Zone With Demonstrators
>+ Presentations
>+ PLUG Promotional Materials (PLUG Flyer)
>+ Homemade Cheesecake
>+ 802.11
>- Preliminary Survey - User Needs?
>- Feedback Survey - How to Improve?
>- Demo - Win/Lin Shootout / Corporate Usability
>- PLUG Promotional Materials (PLUG T-Shirt)
>Sponsor Status:
>- UnityWave - Will be there!
>- AZOTO - Will be there!
>- RedHat - Will be there!
>- Sun - Will be there!
>- OSEF - Will be there!
>- Debian - Will be there!
>- O'Reilly - Goodies have arrived!
>- Sam's Publishing - Jim has them in process!
>Flyer: Michelle Lowman
>Press: Lee Einer
>Site: Steve (foodog) (pending GCC approval)
>Web Site: Jim Farli
>School Contact: Anthony (tickticker) & Tom Emerson
>Chef: Raymond Cantwell
>Chairman: Bob Bushman
>802.11: Justin Zeigler & Harry McGregor
>DVR: Justin Zeigler & Harry McGregor
> Technomage (pending location): RedHat, Mandrake
> Justin Zeigler: Debian, FreeBSD, Mandrake, SuSE
> Harry McGregor: Debian
> Jonathon Claxton: Video Games
> Justin Zeigler: Educational Software
> Harry McGregor: Educational Software
> Justin Zeigler: Educational Software
> Harry McGregor: Educational Software
> Bill Lindley: BSA
> Michelle Lowman: Free Software Licenses
>Open Volunteer Slots (verified):
>- Sponsor Wrangler
> Contact companies regarding sponsorship.
> Alan has been mentioned as a good resource
> for contacts.
>- Installers
> Be on hand day of show to do installs.
> Typically oriented by distro, and would
> be nice to have some specialists (multi-boot,
> firewall, etc).
>- Demonstrators
> Be on hand day of show to demo Linux's
> mind-bending power. Please make sure that
> a computer with the proper gear will be on
> hand (bring your own may be the best call).
>- Contact Registration
> Arrange electronic and paper registration
> for mailing lists and "May We Contact You"s.
>- Demo Zone
> Arrange demonstrators and coordinate efforts
> to provide appropriate systems.
>- Presentations
> Arrange presenters and coordinate access to
> a projector and OpenOffice presentation
> software.
>- Legal
> Make sure our collective butt is covered.
> In particular consider the data loss indemnification
> from last time, and the cost/benefit/permission of
> selling T-shirts, StarOffice, and/or cheesecake.
>Open Volunteer Slots (proposed):
>- Surveys
> Arrange print and online versions of two
> surveys: Preliminary, focusing on the type
> of install needed. Feedback, focusing on
> opportunities for improvement. A first draft
> of a feedback survey is available.
>- T-Shirts
> Arrange printing of PLUG T-Shirts for sale
> and/or doorprizes at Install Fest. Probably
> requires harvesting of donations and/or
> investment in return on sales.
>See http://PLUG.phoenix.az.us/navigator-mail.shtml if your mail doesn't post to the list quickly and you use Netscape to write mail.
>PLUG-discuss mailing list - PLUG-discuss@lists.plug.phoenix.az.us
Kimi A. Adams, V.P.
Operations Manager
Unity Wave, L.L.C.
If you can think of it, we can develop it.
If you let a person talk long enough, you will know if the truth is being spoken.