syntax for outputing past bash commands to a .txt file
Bob Cober
Thu, 25 Jul 2002 08:47:21 -0700
history >> somefile.txt
also a good way to find some command from the past you can't remember
history | grep thecommandyoucantremember
----- Original Message -----
From: "Alpha Zenon Sanchez" <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, July 25, 2002 7:22 AM
Subject: syntax for outputing past bash commands to a .txt file
> I know I've seen it before on the internet somewhere
> or perhaps it was this discussion group. I can't
> recall...
> My question is this:
> What's the exact syntax to print to a text file, a
> history of commands you've typed on the command shell?
> Or is there a file in my OS (Mandrake 8.1) where I can
> view like last 20 or so commands?
> Thanks in advance,
> Alpha Z Sanchez
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