IF02.2 Status - 07-24

Robert Bushman plug-discuss@lists.plug.phoenix.az.us
Thu, 25 Jul 2002 08:00:55 -0400 (EDT)

On Wed, 24 Jul 2002, Derek Neighbors wrote:

> Derek Neighbors: Debian


> > Demonstrators:
> Derek Neighbors: Busines Software (Open Office, GNU Enterprise)

Very nice!

> > Presenters:
> Derek Neighbors:
> Application Development w/ GNU Enterprise Framework
> or
> GNU Enterprise Reports
> or
> SAP-DB Basics
> or
> Postgresql Basics

What? you can't do all four plus installs and
demonstrations? (kidding) Thanks!

> > - Contact Registration
> >   Arrange electronic and paper registration
> >   for mailing lists and "May We Contact You"s.
> I can arrange electronic registration and likely paper registration via
> GNUe rather rapidly.  Just need specifications of what we want. (data
> wise)

This is *great* Derek! I think this is going to be
extremely important component for the development
of a quality show. And I'm psyched to see GNUe in
action. Thanks!

I will get back to you via this list on the
registration needs. Would be great to have everyone
make suggestions. I'm thinking maybe Wiki

> > - T-Shirts
> some if we care to sell it on site for donations to FSF.

Do we have any idea what GCC's opinion of us collecting
cash would be? If they're OK with it, I think this is
a great idea.

> Also,  I
> believe if we are interested and feel its right, Brad has said he should
> be able to come and speak at IF2 if we would like him to.  Just let me
> know soon so I can start arranging with him.
