Can we fix the PLUG list server/configuration?
Kevin Brown
Sun, 21 Jul 2002 22:11:50 -0700
Is it certain that the delay is with the Plug mail server and not the initial
mail server (yours or Cox's or whoever) sending/receiving the message? I have
gotten all my messages back within about 10 min of posting (the time I have NS
set to autocheck for new messages).
> > Where is the mail list server and what kind of hardware is it on? There
> > is something definitely up with it. As it regularly holds mail for 30-45
> > minutes and oftern times I will send 2 or 3 mails to it in a matter of
> > minutes and they will get posted back to the list in a different order. I
> > have seen this happen to others as well. It really should be fixed.
> I've noticed in the headers that all our messages are going through mybutt
> (hardy har har). and are doing DNS for
> the domain. has two MX
> records. The priority 10 MX record points to and
> priority 20 points to Both of these servers are on
> the same IP, however, which is the box
> (
> So I'm wondering if was pointed to mybutt (hardy
> har har) a while back when we were having list problems, but was never
> pointed back to the PLUG IP:
> (
> I'd be happy to host the list on a server at my work, if hardware is the
> problem. But if it's just a configuration issue, we really need to fix it
> because it's frustrating when messages take so long to be processed.
> ~M
> ________________________________________________
> See if your mail doesn't post to the list quickly and you use Netscape to write mail.
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