how to install unrar
Logan Kennelly
Fri, 19 Jul 2002 11:31:25 -0700
Hash: SHA1
On Friday 19 July 2002 10:54 am, Scott Henderson wrote:
> I am installing something that requires unrar, a decompression
> utility. I have downloaded various versions of this utility, but
> can't for the life of me get it installed. Has anyone done this
> successfully? I've gotten rpms, but running those seems to leave
> nothing installed on the machine. I've also gotten tar.gzs that
> have no README, INSTALL, or Makefile so I don't know what to do
> with them. Can anyone help? Running RH 7.3 on 2xP200
> Compaq Proliant. Thanks!!
I went to and downloaded "rarlinux-3.0.tar.gz".
After unpacking ("tar xzf rarlinux-3.0.tar.gz"), I was left with a rar
directory containing both the "rar" and "unrar" programs. From there, I
simply ran "~/tmp/rar/unrar x filename.rar" (where ~/tmp represents the
location you unpacked rarlinux).
Note that since I rarly (get it???) unpack rar archives, I did not bother
looking for RPMs or installing the program. In this scenario, I could have
installed the program by copying unrar to either my "/usr/local/bin"
directory (for a system-wide install) or my "$HOME/bin" directory (for a
local install). Note that not all distributions include $HOME/bin in your
path by default, so this may require one additional step. Let us know.
- --
Logan Kennelly
(. .)
- --ooO-(_)-Ooo--
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