OT: Consumer Advertising Law
Robert Bushman
Fri, 19 Jul 2002 12:57:45 -0400 (EDT)
Saw this discussion recently somewhere
else. No lawyers involved, but the general
consensus was that a store has a responsibility
to engage in a good faith effort to publish
accurate prices.
The example that was used as being just barely
over the line was a web site that had published the
price as $400 dollars in the catalog, and also
had a banner on the front page saying, "$600
Dollar Savings!" on an item that was supposed
to be $1000.
Since the two separate items conveyed the same
information, only one was feasibly a typo
(the banner was created by a human designer,
the catalog price came from the database), it
was asserted that they had not engaged in a
good faith effort to publish accurately.
In your case, Fry's is allowed to make the
mistake, as long as they immediately correct it.
On Fri, 19 Jul 2002, Logan Kennelly wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> While looking for a new laptop, I stopped by Fry's Electronics to find the
> model I wanted at $600 below retail. When I asked why it was so low, I was
> told that it was a mistake and they adjusted the price in their computers.
> Although I was told that they would sell me the product for the listed
> price, the store manager eventually stated that they were under no
> obligation to do so and cancelled the lower price.
> Since I am not an expert in consumer law, I thought I would put the question
> to the list: Is there any law regulating this situation, and, if so, what
> is it?
> Thanks in advance.
> - --
> Logan Kennelly
> ,,,
> (. .)
> - --ooO-(_)-Ooo--
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