Linux at Work - Long

Logan Kennelly
Thu, 18 Jul 2002 14:49:32 -0700

Hash: SHA1

On Thursday 18 July 2002 01:55 pm, robert jorgenson wrote:
> I dont have any experience in the business world as im just a kid, but
> stability is definately a plus, the cost factor also comes up, and for
> some people theres the antitrust issue, im sure there are many more i
> just dont know about. Personally i only use linux at my home because its
> fun and i get to solve problems and learn stuff. In my experience the
> only downside to linux is there is allways that one application that you
> cant find an equal to in the *nix world

You touched some good points, but you are forgetting one that I feel is 

First of all, I use Linux because it matches the way that I work.  When 
people ask why I use Linux as opposed to Windows, the first answer is 
always: "Because it better matches the way I want to use a computer."  I 
feel that I am more productive under a *nix environment, and (as you 
mentioned) it is "fun".

However, that leaves out the primary reason that the FSF was founded: nobody 
can steal an open project away.  If Microsoft called it quits today, then 
every business and individual that relied upon their technologies would 
slowly corode away.  In fact, with many of the remote ties between 
proprietary software and their authors, the software may cease to function 

With an open license, a project only needs to reach "critical mass" in order 
for it to continue idefinitely.  If we examine the larger projects (GNOME, 
KDE, OpenOffice, the Linux kernel, FreeBSD, etc.), then we find that 
developers come and go all the time.  However, enough people are interested 
in, and using, the software that a new developer will soon step in to fill 
the hole.  I feel confident in stating that 90% of the free software that I 
use will continue to be maintained as long as I care to use it.  The only 
exception would be when another group creates a better alternative and woos 
the developers away.  In either situation, it is a win for me, the end 

You mention "that one application that you cant find an equal to in the *nix 
world", and that is certainly a good point.  There are rare situations 
where an application requires an extraordinary amount of expertise.  Enough 
so that such a project can never find enough developers to gain momentum.  
In this situation, a proprietary solution is the only one available and one 
must settle for a non-open application on an open platform (if even that is 

However, when it comes down to it, my "first answer" from above is what 
keeps me hooked. ;-)

- -- 
						Logan Kennelly
     (. .)
- --ooO-(_)-Ooo--
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