Does AnyOne Program in Visual Basic???????
Tim Shapiro
Mon, 15 Jul 2002 14:37:06 -0700
<html><div style='background-color:'><DIV>
<P>Does Anyone program in VB? If you do please help.</P>
<P>Ok here is the deal. I have an excel spreadsheat that automatically updates from a program here at work. I need to pull that information into an access database via a linked table. However I cannot, either by ADO or Data Enviroment, use that linked table or a query based on that linked table as a data source. If anyone can help me I would really appreciate it.<BR><BR>Thanks,<BR>Tim <BR></P></DIV>
<DIV>Tim Shapiro </DIV>Phoenix, Arizona
<DIV></DIV>Phone: 623-825-0515
<DIV></DIV>Email: <A href=""></A>
<DIV></DIV>>From: Digital Wokan <WOKAN@COX.NET>
<DIV></DIV>>Subject: Re: PLUG / Library OpenOffice CD almost ready for burn
<DIV></DIV>>Date: Mon, 15 Jul 2002 15:45:01 -0700
<DIV></DIV>>What they are installing will be written quite clearly on the CD.
<DIV></DIV>>Windows users are used to the idea of popping in a CD and having a
<DIV></DIV>>setup program pop up for them automatically. PLUG's URL should
<DIV></DIV>>probably also be on the label for the less adventurous Windows users
<DIV></DIV>>who don't go poking around on the CD to see what else is there.
<DIV></DIV>>(Those same less-adventurous types also wouldn't understand getting
<DIV></DIV>>from an HTML page to setup.exe on their
<DIV></DIV>>Also, if you haven't installed OpenOffice on Windows, you can't
<DIV></DIV>>mistake what you are installing. The opening setup screens involve
<DIV></DIV>>an animated horizontal scroll of the software title.
<DIV></DIV>>Dennis Kibbe wrote:
<DIV></DIV>>>On Sunday 14 July 2002 07:34 pm, Digital Wokan wrote:
<DIV></DIV>>>>I set up the autorun to start the Windows install since only
<DIV></DIV>>>>Windows uses
<DIV></DIV>>>>the autorun feature.
<DIV></DIV>>>Since it's always nice to know WHAT you are installing I was
<DIV></DIV>>>thinking of something more like this.
<DIV></DIV>>> ICON=SomeIcon.ico
<DIV></DIV>>> OPEN=ShellExecute.bat Welcome.html
<DIV></DIV>>>Full details are here.
<DIV></DIV>>>- Dennis Kibbe
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