AutoDesk Replacement? (was: BSA Presentation?) (was Re: Ernie Ball Link)

Bryce C
14 Jul 2002 12:28:08 -0700

I don't do much actual CAD work but Mandrake has come with VariCAD for
some time.  I don't know how good it is but I know it's not free.  I use
it to convert AutoCAD drawings to JPEG for my boss.  Just print to PS
and use Gimp to save as a JPEG.  That's the extent of my CAD work but I
just thought I'd introduce another option.

On Sun, 2002-07-14 at 07:12, Tom Emerson wrote:
> LinuxCAD rings the bell for me. Their home page tag line:  "(Replaces 
> AutoCAD,Visio and CorelDraw all in one package!!!)".  And the command set 
> emulates/implements AutoCad's set.
> I haven't used / needed AutoCAD for several years, the gang I hang with 
> use Visio for almost everything (UML, website/software flows, server 
> farms, network diagrams, database schema).
> At $89 USB, if LinuxCAD really does the job, it beats Visio standard at 
> $179.99 (though everybody 'needs' Visio Pro at $424.99 ... don't ask why!)  
> And: AutoCAD LT 2002, $624.99  
> One exception, the latest gig I'm into, we're using Data Architect from 
> The Kompany for all of the db design.  Nice product, almost ready for 
> prime time, next version looks very promising.  At $39.95 for the 
> downloadable version, you can't beat the price.  (a lot less expensive 
> than it's more fully featured competition: $3,209.99).  And 'DA' works 
> equally well on Linux or Windoze.
>  - tom e.
> --------------------------------------
> On Sun, 14 Jul 2002, KevinO wrote:
> Check out LinuxCAD ($89):
> (Supports dwg files)
> also QCad (GPL):
> I'm going to download qcad tonight ;-)
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Bryce Chidester
Network Administrator
CoBryce Communications
Bryce AT BryceCo DOT Net