Defcon X

Fri, 12 Jul 2002 21:17:50 -0700


If anyone is interested in attending Defcon X this year,and still does
not have a room, I have a room with space at the Alexis Park hotel.  The
reservations are for Wed. July 31 to Mon. Aug. 5.  (After last years
experience, I know that the extra two days are needed.)   I have one bed
available for $240.00 or floorspace for $20.00.  There will also be an
open Vodka and Tequila bar.  I figured I would give PLUG members first
chance before I opened the space up on the Defcon message boards this
weekend.  Let me know ASAP if anyone is interested since this is only
three weeks away.

Chris Lewis
Tesla Systems
You want what?? When??  And how cold is it in Hell today?

The following code is a PERL script capable of decoding a CSS (Content
Scrambling System) encrypted DVD in real time.  This is illegal to
possess in the US according to the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, a
set of laws passed by anonymous vote in congress in 1998.  The Motion
Picture Association of America (MPAA) is opposed to the distribution of
this software because it allows the owners of CSS encrypted DVDs to
exercise their long-standing fair use rights with new digital
technologies.  For more information, please visit:

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# 526-byte qrpff, Keith Winstein and Marc Horowitz
# MPEG 2 PS VOB file on stdin -> descrambled output on stdout
# arguments: title key bytes in least to most-significant order